I would like to say a big thank you to my sponsor Irish Queens.
Irish Queens specialise in luxury clothing for sales and rentals. Whether you have to get your hands on a dress for a one-time fashion event or want to invest in some luxury clothing items that you can add to your closet, head over to Queens to fulfill all your fashion needs. Trust me ladies, you will adore these dresses.
Queens have ensembles from the renowned designers along with their very own label to provide you with the dress of your dreams. They have kindly provided me with fabulous dresses for Miss Global United States.
Their designers ensure intricate work, high quality fabric, artistic design, and eye catching color palettes that certainly make a statement.
Queens share a story of art through their designs because Queens believe fashion is the best way of communication without saying a word.
I will be sharing photos of these stunning dresses though-out Miss Global United States.
Dani xx