I was honoured to take part in an amazing campaign about Invisible Illnesses.
This incredible calendar was organised by Jessica Logan who is Mrs Diamond West Midlands 21/22 and was also one of my amazing judges in the Miss Elegance of the World Virtual Heat!
Jessica organises and runs this project over 8 months creating an amazing Calendar all about making the in usable visible. All net profits are donated to her 10 chosen charities.
Everyone’s Disability / Illness was highlighted through words written on themselves to make their daily fight “visible”. They also highlighted what they have achieved dispute their struggles on an additional page.
I personally have struggled with health issues over the years. One in particular is my bladder condition that I underwent procedures for this year. Going through agonising pain and living on lots of medication yet still getting on stage a dancing at work was a big challenge but I’ve been doing it. And since my health condition worsened I still went on to win Miss Elegance of the World 2021 💗
This campaign is so inspiring and discusses an extremely important issue.
To get your calendar click on the link below:
